
Warjakka3D is a research project to recreate some of the houses from old Varjakka as 3D digital models, and place these models virtually on the old foundations. Using the Warjakka App on a smartphone, you can explore what the houses looked like 100 years ago – inside and out.

The houses can be switched from old-style interiors and become gallery spaces for artwork created as part of the Warjakka Artists Residency programme.

The free app is currently available on the Google Play Store and The App Store, and the houses and exhibitions are installed at Finninkatu 102 and Kukonkatu 72.

3D render of Finninkatu 102 as it might have looked in 1925

Warjakka3D is being created by TaikaBox in collaboration with Ludocraft and Playsign.

Initial research for the technical elements of this project was funded by a DigiDemo grant from AVEK. The pilot is funded by TaikaBox and Oulun Seudun Leader, based on archeological research in collaboration with Tiina Kuokkanen and Oulu University that was funded by the Ministry for Education and Culture.